Important cancer screening information for vulnerable populations

We focussed on some of the more vulnerable groups within our region
Cancer screening campaigns continue to be funded and promoted by Adelaide PHN and we focussed on some of the more vulnerable groups within our region in 2021/2022, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and those within the Rainbow community.
The Australian Refugee Association was funded to develop cervical screening resources for Arabic speaking women, resulting in an educational video delivered in language with English subtitles. Extensive consultation was undertaken to determine the best mode of delivery.
SHINE SA was also funded to develop cervical screening resources for the Trans Masc community which resulted in a campaign called Public Cervix Announcement. Posters and postcards were produced for dissemination to community groups, community centres and health care providers across metropolitan Adelaide in collaboration with the Trans Masc community. Social media activity was implemented to ensure broader reach as was a media campaign with dating and hookup apps Grindr, Scruff and Squirt.