Delivering culturally appropriate AOD services for First Nations peoples

Adelaide PHN has also funded two service providers to employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers
In 2021/2022, Adelaide PHN funded Nunkuwarrin Yunti to deliver contemporary, culturally based Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) services to people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
This includes case management, narrative therapy counselling (1:1 counselling for individuals, family and/or group sessions), therapeutic group sessions and an outreach service (brief interventions, screening and assessment and referral pathways for rural and remote visitors) to the Adelaide city parklands.
In addition, based on community, consumer and stakeholder input, Adelaide PHN has also funded two of its mainstream service providers to employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers to provide culturally appropriate services to First Nations peoples wishing to access mainstream AOD services.
Of the 1801 clients who accessed Adelaide PHN-funded AOD treatment services in 2021/2022, 16.8% identified as being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Of these clients, 43% accessed the range of treatment options offered by Nunkuwarrin Yunti and the remainder attended the six Adelaide PHN-funded AOD mainstream services.
Despite the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on service provision, Nunkuwarrin Yunti successfully adapted its treatment service delivery modes and no clients were denied access during this period.