GP and primary health care professional development

Our commissioned service providers delivered a range of education events
We continued to commission Sonder, SAMPEA and AMPHEaT to deliver education sessions to our primary health care workforce during 2021/2022. The sessions provide opportunities for clinical upskilling and collaboration to ensure the delivery of high-quality, integrated, and person-centred care across our region.
The Continuing Professional Development calendar of events, as well as the education session content, is developed to meet identified primary health workforce needs. Education needs are informed by the Adelaide PHN’s Needs Assessment, HealthPathways development, and education gaps identified by GP clinical advisors and Local Health Network GP Liaison Units. Throughout the year, our commissioned service providers delivered a range of education events spanning across our priority health areas.
As our primary health care workforce grappled with the increasing demand for services resulting from peaks in Covid-19 cases locally, our commissioned service providers responded with the provision of more flexible modes of learning including online content, webinars and hybrid event attendance options.